From Premier Lacrosse League, it’s the PLL PLAYbook.
| 2 min read
Did you know lacrosse is considered the fastest-growing sport in the US. Since 2000, it’s ballooned more than 200% – and hailed as a “a gender equitable, highly athletic, dynamic game.” People, lacrosse is fun – fun to watch, fun to learn, fun to play.
Thanks to PLL Play – the youth development arm of Premier Lacrosse League – core youth lacrosse training for players up to age 14 is right at your fingertips. The training is built with drills and coaching points, how-tos straight from PLL pros, as well as diagrams and animations to make things easy and accessible for coaches and players alike.
And it’s all in the MOJO app.
If you’re brand new to MOJO, just follow the onboarding instructions. You’ll be set up for your season in no time.
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Not on a team right now? Don’t worry! Join MOJO without a team to get access to a whole library of articles on youth lacrosse. And if you’re curious about MOJO’s suite of at-home training, including lacrosse, upgrade to MOJO+, which you can try for free for a week.