10 Best Softball Drills for 9- and 10-Year-Olds

Keep it fast and fun


| 12 min watch

By age 9 or 10, most kids on a softball team have some experience under their belts. A few of them are really starting to get it. Now is when your job as a softball coach gets even more fun – and also complicated, as you coach to players with different abilities.

The trick, now, is to cover the basics while also digging deeper into technique. Running through a few fun softball drills during each practice is a great way to fine tune skills – from stopping ground balls to hitting off a kid pitcher. 

These players are still young, so keep it fun and fast. Our 10 best softball drills are a great place to get started.

Soft Toss Slugging
This classic drill helps kids hone their hitting mechanics.

Focus on contact, not power, in this hitting game. 

Mind the Gap
Mine! Mine! When catching fly balls, you can’t be too loud. 

Ready, Aim, Bunt
Can you send a bunt to the right spot?

Knock It Off
But keep on stepping and throwing on target. 

This fun drill refines glove work for quick, easy tags.

Fielders: trap the runner. Runners: stay alive!

Grab Bag
The barehanded catching drill helps with using two hands when fielding.

Tunnel Ball
Drive that ball straight up the middle.

Pop Quiz
Get full credit for catching fly balls with two hands.

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| 12 min watch

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