Invite the Whole Team

Everyone's invited to the MOJO app!


| 3 min read

As a coach, you’re the center of the team. But you’re also nowhere without your team. That’s why MOJO made it easy to invite everyone to participate.

Why should I invite my team to MOJO?

Inviting your team — from parents and their kids to fellow coaches — allows you to share and unlock the features that make your season stress-free and more fun.

When you invite parents, they can:  

  • Add their kid(s) to your roster
  • View practice. (Don’t worry, they can’t edit!)
  • Learn more about the sport, thanks to the videos, advice, how-tos and Q&As in the app
  • RSVP to practice and games
  • Chat
  • Create a player profile that they can share with anyone, anywhere with MOJO+
  • Be a part of the FanZone
  • Live stream
  • Access hundreds of games and activities that help kids develop outside of practice—with MOJO+

When you invite other coaches, they can do all of the above, plus:

  • Help you edit and manage practices and schedules
  • View and leave Coach Notes

How do I invite my team to MOJO?

There are two ways to add your entire team to MOJO — you can invite them directly, or add everyone to the roster yourself.

MOJO will give you a unique team invite link, or code, that’s easy to share wherever and however you communicate with your parents and coaches. You can share the link or code via text message, email and WhatsApp, as well as team management apps like TeamSnap or GameChanger Team Manager.

To access your invite link and team code, tap the ROSTER tab.

From this tab, you can send invites and also see which parents and coaches have already joined.  

When parents click your unique link, they will go through the sign-up flow and automatically be added to your roster. They don’t need to have the MOJO app beforehand.

In some cases, due to a user’s settings, the link may not work.  If that happens, parents can type in your team code from the registration screen when they tap “Join a Team.

You can also add the entire team to the roster when you set up your team. It’s easy to import them from the contacts that are already on your phone. Everyone you add to your roster will receive a SMS message or email to join the team.

Share the magic

At the end of the day, it’s all about sharing the magic of MOJO — and making one season of youth sports more fun for everyone. More than 80% of coaches who use MOJO report that they had easier, less stressful and ultimately more successful seasons. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of that?

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