10 Best U6 Soccer Drills

At this age, it’s all about dribbling — and their favorite cartoon characters.


| 14 min watch

The most important thing about U6 soccer drills? They have to be fun. And while some essential soccer skills may be a bit advanced for the youngest players, at this age, dribbling is what it’s all about, along with some passing and shooting. This video features 10 soccer drills that are perfect for 6 and under players.

For the full activities, check out:

Space Wars
In a galaxy far, far away, players hone their dribbling and shooting skills on a moving target. (Spoiler: It’s you!)

Island Hopping
Pirates ahead! This activity helps players learn to get away from an attacker by finding open space to take the ball to.

Hospital Tag
The doctor is in the house for this fun tagging activity that helps players develop balance and coordination.

Bello! Time to work on developing players’ shooting and dribbling skills — all while going bananas.

Freeze Tag
The cold doesn’t bother us anyway! Players practice changing speed and direction with the ball while escaping tough situations.

Dancing Ball
Dribbling skills, agility and coordination are folded into this fun dancing activity — all while distancing.

Around the World
Geography lesson, meet soccer practice. This activity helps players develop coordination and agility.

Body Part Dribbling
The ball becomes a powerful magnet in this entertaining dribbling activity that helps build agility and coordination.

Red Light, Green Light
Unleash your inner Lightning McQueen! Build players’ muscle memory by pairing quick stops with explosive speed.

Duck Tails
Watch your tail! This dribbling activity teaches players to keep their heads up and explode out of dangerous situations.


For more great soccer drills for kids, check out:

The 10 Best Soccer Dribbling Drills for U6, U8 and U10

The 10 Best Soccer Drills

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